We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
This health and nutrition bundle is perfect for your healthy eating topic. It contains a 30 slide PowerPoint and quiz which can be used to introduce the topic as well as three fun activities that’ll get your class thinking about the dangers of hidden sugars as well as what a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle looks like.
Each activity has been differentiated to allow for the correct level of challenge for your students.
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This activity is all about students exploring the properties of different materials in the outdoors. This lesson can be done anywhere, from the beach to your garden.
If access to the outdoors is limited you can easily adapt it to be done inside. For this activity students will find items matching the properties on the sheet and record what they’ve found by either writing or drawing.
Encourage students to think carefully about their decisions. What makes something heavy? Would that be heavy for a giant?
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These 10 outdoor STEM activities are perfect as a stand-alone outdoor team building activity or as a team builder at the start or end of year.
This pack contains 10 challenge cards that you can laminate and use time and time again. Each resource is easy to facilitate, with most challenges only needing a selection of natural resources. We recommend you allow at least 20 minutes for each challenge card, however depending on how you want to use them, students could spend hours on just on one challenge.
We’ve seen them used really well when each team does 1 card per week, spending around 1 hour on each challenge.
Recommended resources in your outdoor space:**
A variety of different sized sticks
Plants with a variety of different sized leaves (ferns etc.).
A variety of different sized stones / bricks.
Wooden benches / chairs etc.
A variety of thin / thick rope and string.
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The Egg Drop STEM Challenge is a nice variation on the commonly used egg parachute challenge. Your class will work together in small teams, thinking about the best way to protect an egg from being dropped using natural materials. They will be encouraged to think about the properties of different materials, considering which one will work best.
The whole activity is based around a story of an explorer who is trapped in the North Pole and needs food supplies, and of course, his favourite food is egg!
Read the instructions to your class before putting them into groups of 2 or 3. Encourage them to hunt out different natural materials that they think will protect them egg from breaking. Once they have padded out the tubs, give them the egg and see if it works by dropping it from a good height!
To save on money and waste, if an egg does not break, it can be re-used by the following team.
Once the challenge is complete each student can fill in an evaluation sheet.
Resources needed:
Supply of natural materials in an outdoor space
Activity sheets
Small tubs (big 500ml or similar)
Somewhere high to drop the eggs from (first floor or second floor)
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This Easter themed activity focuses on how animals have adapted to hide themselves in the wild. It looks at the importance of camouflage through a fun and practical activity.
Children will think of an outside location to hide their Easter themed picture before designing and shading the picture to make it as camouflaged as possible. Once they’ve finished they can go and hide their Easter themed picture and see if a friend can find their picture.
After the activity it’s a great opportunity to talk about the importance of camouflage and see if they can think of any animals that are really well camouflaged in the environment they live in. You could show some videos as examples.
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Engage your students in a captivating investigation as they explore the profound effects of acid rain on our environment. This outdoor science investigation is an ideal addition to your sustainability or pollution curriculum, providing students with valuable insights into a real-world issue. This immersive project spans a couple of weeks and is designed to enhance both investigative and observational skills.
Students will embark on an enlightening journey where they are entrusted with the care of three plants. Their mission: to investigate the repercussions of different strength acidic solutions on plant health. Each plant will be nurtured with a distinct acidic solution, varying in strength. Over the course of several days or weeks, students will meticulously document their findings through drawings and measurements. At the culmination of the investigation, they will analyze and compare the impact of these acidic solutions on the overall well-being of the plants.
This hands-on exploration promises to not only deepen your students’ understanding of acid rain but also cultivate their scientific inquiry and analytical abilities. Get ready for a transformative learning experience that connects classroom concepts to the real world.
You may also love our Humans and The Environment: Pollution - HUGE BUNDLE
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Get ready for a spooktacular adventure with our Halloween Outdoor Bingo! Encourage exploration and outdoor play as children hunt for spooky items like leaves, pumpkins, and creepy crawlies. Our themed bingo sheet is sure to add an extra layer of excitement to your Halloween festivities.
Check out our Halloween Word Search
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Banned words is a great game to review or learn your animal adaptations topic key vocabulary. Your class will become word detectives and put their communication skills to the test as they describe key topic words without using a list of banned words. As they think about the animal adaptations themed key words and phrases they will take time to consider the meaning and deepen their understanding. We have found it extremely effective in helping students to retain the definitions.
Banned words can be played in pairs, groups, or as a class. It is great to be used before, during, and after a topic to help their retention.
This pack has three sets of differentiated cards. The first set contains slightly easier vocabulary and the second set will provide more of a challenge. Our third set contains more complex words to extend the learning for those children that need it. It also contains a digital version on Google Slides as well as blank copies for you to create your own.
Vocabulary Included:
Set 1
Warning Coloration
Set 2
Structural Adaptation
Behavioural Adaptation
Set 3
Trophic Level
Keystone Species
Check out our: Electricity Banned Words Game
Forces and Motion Banned Words Game
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This video comprehension takes a look at the ozone layer and its depletion. Your students will watch a video where they will learn about what the ozone layer is as well as what is damaging it and the issues that this has on life on Earth before answering a set of questions about what they’ve just seen.
This pack contains 3 levels of differentiation as well as an extension activity where they will draw a diagram to show how the ozone layer works.
What is video comprehension?
Our video comprehension series is designed to facilitate the learning of those students who find reading tricky. It allows them to access the same level of learning without the need to read large amounts of information as they will watch a video on the topic rather than reading large amounts of text. We have found it especially helpful with our SEN students.
Each set is differentiated three times. With the first level of differentiation requiring them to simply circle the correct answers.
These worksheets work best if each student has their own device as they can re-watch parts of the video to find the correct answers. However if you don’t have one device per students or pair we have done this with great success by having the video on repeat on the board / tv at the front of the classroom.
These activities are also perfect for home and distance learning.
We are constantly expanding our range of video comprehension worksheets so be sure to check back frequently for new resources.
Check out our other video comprehension packs:
- Compost
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This video comprehension takes a look at water pollution and the impacts it has on the environment. Your students will watch a video where they will learn about what the water pollution is, what causes it, the environmental impact, as well as what we can do to help stop water pollution.
This pack contains 3 levels of differentiation as well as an extension activity where they will carry out further research to find 5 interesting facts about water pollution.
What is video comprehension?
Our video comprehension series is designed to facilitate the learning of those students who find reading tricky. It allows them to access the same level of learning without the need to read large amounts of information as they will watch a video on the topic rather than reading large amounts of text. We have found it especially helpful with our SEN students.
Each set is differentiated three times. With the first level of differentiation requiring them to simply circle the correct answers.
These worksheets work best if each student has their own device as they can re-watch parts of the video to find the correct answers. However if you don’t have one device per students or pair we have done this with great success by having the video on repeat on the board / tv at the front of the classroom.
These activities are also perfect for home and distance learning.
We are constantly expanding our range of video comprehension worksheets so be sure to check back frequently for new resources.
Check out our other video comprehension packs:
- Compost
- Ozone Depletion
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The space map is a great cross-curricular activity to get children to think about the size of the planets in relation to each other as well as the distances between them. Get children to create a line of planets using the planet sizes table by drawing them on chalk on the playground. If space is limited it is good to do the sun as a whole class due to the massive size! As an extension you can get the children to write in between each planet the distance it is away from the sun as well as any fun facts they can think of or find out.
This pack contains two planet sizes sheet; one with decimals and one without.
Equipment needed:
Resource pack
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This activity looks at how plants and trees survive by dispersing their seeds which is a key aspect of the life cycle of plants. Your class will collect seeds and classify them based on the key dispersal definitions.
Teaching Structure:
Discuss what a seed is and why it’s important that they are dispersed. Explain that plants and trees have different seed dispersal tactics.
Go outside and collect as many different seeds as you can. This can either be done during the school day (it can make a great trip!) or set as a home learning challenge.
Put the class into small groups and give each group a set of the definitions. - Get the children to sort the seeds into the correct seed dispersal classifications. You can then take a photo or get them to draw the seeds onto the activity sheet and answer the questions.
As an extension, get them to design their own seeds with a chosen dispersal method.
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This outdoor science investigation teaches your students about the properties of materials as they plan, investigate, record, and evaluate the rate in which different items melt.
This investigation is perfect for that hot summers afternoon where you simply need to get outside on. Students compare items that melt and investigate if these items have a different melting rate. It’s perfect if you’re looking at states of matter or materials and their properties.
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Have you ever wondered what lurks beneath the soil? With this science investigation you’re about to find out as your students become geologists to investigate what is underneath a patch of land. They will look into classifying what they find before creating their very own soil explorer museum. It’s a great resource if you’re looking at rocks and soil, geological skills, history, as well as the classification of materials and animals.
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Woodland tracker is a great way to investigate which animals are sneaking around in your outdoor space or local woodland. It’s a great activity if you’re looking at observation skills or habitats and can be differentiated for all age ranges. For this practical science investigation students will mark out an area using sand or fine soil and leave it overnight before returning to see if they can spot and identify any animal tracks that have been left behind.
This can be done as a one off investigation or as an ongoing project where you could introduce different variables such as location, season or food.
Teacher’s Guide
2 x Match The Tracks activity sheet and answers(US & British animals)
2 x Investigation Method worksheets
3 x Results Table
4 x Investigation Question Cards
2 x Evaluation Question Sheets
To further differentiate this activity, get students to carry it out multiple times choosing something to change. They can complete the investigation method sheet and questions to help guide them through this.
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This pack contains three differentiated science investigation plan templates. They are a great way to help students organize their thoughts and ideas before carrying out the investigation.
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This forces and motion visual word search is a great way to reinforce or introduce your topics key vocabulary. It’s great for morning work, filling activities, or just as some fun! Your class will learn the key terms in no time with the help of our fun visuals and word search.
Key Vocabulary:
Balanced Force
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Check out our other science word searches:
- Animal Adaptations
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This is a fantastic topic or project with links to living things, maths, art, and business. Your class will create their very own business selling seed bombs where they’ll need to create their business before making, advertising, and selling their seed bombs. It’s great if you can also find some space for them to test and use the seed bombs themselves.
This project is fantastic for developing team skills as well as making their learning relevant and meaningful.
**Teaching Structure: **
Read through the instruction sheet explaining that they are going to make a business selling seed bombs. Encourage them to think about the importance of local flowers and the benefits they have on the local wildlife.
Put the students into teams of 4 or 5 and get them to mind map their business ideas (name, who they’ll sell to, how they’ll advertise them etc.).
The following activities and worksheets can be taught in an order which suites you and your class best. Below we have split them into subject areas which best relate to the activities.
**Art / Design: **
Design a logo
Packaging design
**Science: **
Which Flowers: Research which native flowers would be good to include (you can collect or order seeds online).
Make the seed bombs by following the instructions.
Optional: Design their own seed bombs by changing or adding to the ingredients used. They can then re-write the instructions on how to make their own seed bombs. You could go a step further and get them to create a TV advert for their seed bombs.
**Literacy: **
Seed bomb instructions: Highlight the key features of the instructions.
My Seed Bomb instructions: Re-write the seed bomb instructions with their own unique ideas.
Advertisement: Students will create a poster for their seed bombs.
**Math: **
Cost and profits / sale prices: For these activity sheets students will work out how much it costs to produce the seed bombs, decide how much they will sell them for, and figure out their profits.
Sales Report: Students will keep a record of their sales, recording their profits on here.
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These dinosaur themed worksheets are designed to get children thinking about how animals camouflage themselves in the wild. It is a perfect topic starter or extension activity that your class are sure to love! I know mine did!
The children must color in the bugs to camouflage them against the background.
British and US spellings.
Have fun!
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This camouflage and mimicry word search is a great way to reinforce or introduce your topics key vocabulary. It’s great for morning work, filling activities, or early finishers as well as distance learning that you can set online! Your class will learn the key terms in no time.
Key Vocabulary:
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